The ferret king’s situation is not much better than that of the little demon leopard Molin. He also has a sword in his hand, Molin, and the black Strafe collision moment was shocked and flew backwards.

The little demon leopard Molin has stepped back 30 feet when he steadied himself.
The same is true of ferret king. He didn’t take advantage of this collision.
"It’s impossible. How can your speed and strength be so strong? 」
The ferret king looked at the little demon leopard Molin, and he felt incredible. Even the little demon leopard Molin was also the demon king, but the other person’s breath was just entering the realm of the demon king, and he had already entered the realm of the demon king for hundreds of years. The accumulation of so many years is definitely not comparable to that of a monk who just entered the realm of the demon king.
"Nothing is impossible. Your strength and speed are so poor that you can’t compete with me."
After the little demon leopard Molin stabilized himself, he sneered at the ferret king
Chapter one thousand three hundred and twenty-three Treasure clash
The little demon leopard Molin, the ferret king, had a head-on confrontation for a round. This time, the situation of both sides was almost the same, and neither of them took advantage. Both sides retreated more than 30 feet.
The ferret king thought it was incredible. He didn’t believe that Molin, the little demon leopard, had such speed and strength.
The little demon leopard Molin kept grinning directly at the ferret king. He felt that the strength of the other party seemed to be stronger than that of the fire Niu Mowang, but it was not too strong. The breath emitted by the body did not match. It is estimated that the other party has been practicing but neglected all the strength methods of actual combat exercise.
If the ferret king can display all his strength, it is really very difficult for the little demon leopard Molin to defeat him, let alone defeat the ferret king, and it is even difficult to keep himself from being defeated by the other side.
When the little demon leopard Molin Ferret King confronted each other, the Silver Wolf King and Xu Ren also confronted each other.
Silver Wolf king shape that has been rushed towards Xu Ren.
Xu Ren to outdo each other directly waved Xinghai sword to meet him.
Soon Xu Ren’s Xinghai sword in his hand and silver moon’s machete in the hand of the Silver Wolf King had already collided together, and a loud noise followed.
After a head-on collision, Xu Ren and the Silver Wolf King quickly stepped back and went out.
Xu Ren’s figure has been backward until he quits nearly forty feet before regaining his stability.
The silver wolf king’s figure also fell back and withdrew from more than 30 feet before regaining stability.
This collision shows that the Silver Wolf King dominates the wind and Xu Ren is an absolute wind.
But Xu Ren was in no hurry. A collision just now brought him a step closer to the martial arts endless dome. If the Silver Wolf King could collide several times more, maybe he could touch the dome.
Of course, there is little hope that Xu Ren will directly break the dome with the help of the Silver Wolf King. The strength of the Silver Wolf King is still slightly worse. If it is stronger, he may still have hope.
Silver Wolf King sullenly, although he occupied the absolute wind in Xu Ren this time, he was obviously not satisfied with the result. It seems that even if the blow just now could not kill Xu Ren, at least Xu Ren could be seriously injured and vomited blood at worst, but Xu Ren didn’t even have any injuries except that he was farther away from him.
The silver wolf king was not reconciled to the result of the confrontation with Xu Ren, so he rushed toward Xu Ren in a flash.
Xu Ren stepped on his feet and then his body rushed directly towards the silver wolf king.
When Xu Ren and the Silver Wolf King are close to each other to a certain distance, both sides will make moves almost at the same time.
Xu Ren waved his hand in Xinghai sword, and the silver wolf king also waved his hand in silver moon machete.
Xinghai sword silver moon machetes moment collision together.
Xu Ren body back again still out of the nearly four zhangs distance.
The situation of the silver wolf king is almost the same as that of the second time, and it is also thirty feet away.
"Damn you, how can a mere human have such a powerful force? 」
The two encounters failed to hurt Xu Ren, which made the Silver Wolf King feel very incredible.
"Who told you that human beings can’t have great power? The human body is like a piece of rough jade. It won’t be much worse than the demon race if you don’t know, so you can say that you know."
Xu Ren Gherardini looked at the silver wolf king. It was very helpful for him to fight like this, but it was also very dangerous. Therefore, Xu Ren spared no effort to provoke the silver wolf king. An angry silver wolf king is more likely to leak flaws than a calm silver wolf king.
"I want to die."
The silver wolf king was really angry when Xu Ren spoke. He waved his machete directly and rushed towards Xu Ren.
Xu Ren’s somberly anger against the Silver Wolf King does help him to show his flaws, but it also means that the Silver Wolf King will attack him more fiercely.
Saw the silver Wolf king has rushed to his front Xu Ren will also own Xinghai sword dancing.
Knock, knock-
Xu Ren and the Silver Wolf King have already confronted each other, that is, when they are fragrant.
The fighting situation is natural or Xu Ren suffers, but it is impossible for the silver wolf king to beat Xu Ren at one go. Although the silver wolf king occupies an advantage, the two sides are in a delicate stalemate.

Ziyang Xianzun looked at them and waved with a smile and said, "You Xianguan also know that there will be thieves and monsters in all fairy houses."

"The second assessment is very simple"
"It is necessary for the forces in the hands of nine planets Xianguan to capture the evil mountains. Whether it is life or death"
Sin Mountain!
Jiang Feng knows that this place is located in a huge mountain range on the east side of Ziyang Xiancheng.
No, this is an ordinary mountain range.
Anyone who avoids the pursuit of Ziyang Xianbing will escape into the evil mountain range.
The murderer "Qiang Jian" is a robber … and so on …
A sanctuary for the wicked.
Because of the geographical danger, a large number of criminals have gathered, and the fairy house dare not pay them off rashly.
Of course, every year Fairy House will find various reasons.
Send someone to shock and find out what’s going on inside.
"So how do we decide! ?”
Some people said
Ziyang Xianzun looked at him and explained, "It’s very simple that everyone in Sin Mountain has a reward. Add up all the rewards and whoever gets the highest reward will win."
"But … this time, there are retainers, and nine planets Xianguan is not allowed to interfere."
Ziyang fairy has a mouth to explain the sentence.
Everyone is silent.
These sinners are all living at the tip of the knife, and each one is more difficult to deal with. There will definitely be no casualties in this promotion.
Many people are very nervous.
Ziyang Xianzun announced that it had finished issuing tokens to every nine planets Xianguan, and the matter came to an end for the time being.
Prepare to enter the sinful mountains in three days.
Many people get together in twos and threes to discuss the competition.
The distance is very lively.
Many fighters around Duan Hongye are courting one by one.
Duan Hongye blunt they nodded slightly suddenly coming towards Jiang Feng side.
The rest of the people gave up a road in succession and roared angrily, "Where are you from? Don’t let it go quickly!"
"How dare you salute the Jiang Feng brothers!"
Zhou Jian stepped in front of Jiang Feng with anger.
"Who am I when it turned out to be Zhou Jian, a wan ku who wants to be a hero now! ?”
Looked at Zhou Jian Liang Dajiang smile.
Although Zhou Jian and his party are also immortals, the rest are different.
The poor may be people in their eyes, but they are nothing in their eyes.
"Liang Dajiang what you say! ?” Zhou Jian was angry.
"Zhou Jian, let’s stay out of it now or don’t blame us for being rude!"
Liang dajianggen doesn’t take Jiang feng seriously.
Be overbearing in doing things
"All right!" Duan Hongye waved and turned to look at Jiang Feng slowly and said, "You are Jiang Feng! ?”
"I’ll tell you what you did to my family, and I’ll definitely double it."
Duan Hongye said that the root did not give Jiang Feng a chance to refute.
Turn around and walk away.
Left Liang Dajiang several people a face of anger at Jiang Feng Zhou Jian.
"Small! Tell you Duan Hongye is not you can provoke people "Liang Dajiang mind move know Jiang Feng Duan Hongye had been enemies.
"Hualong Valley goes out, even if you are strong and have no foundation, you still can’t stand."
Liang Dajiang turned around and lit up the mount behind him.
"See this fierce Yang horse? I bought it yesterday at a cost of 100,000 immortals." Liang Dajiang said, "Turn over and sit on a fierce Yang horse."
It looks imposing
Fierce Yang Ma!
Although not the top fairy beast.
And the strength of the mounts is not the first, but the speed is definitely one of the best.
Chapter 46 Comparison fairy beast
"This is the fiery horse. I spent 100,000 fairy stones on you yesterday. I’m afraid you don’t even have a mount!"
Liang Dajiang did not care.
I despise these unscrupulous guys from the bottom of my heart.
"Zhou Jian heard that a few days ago you went to the mountains to find a mount haha! If you can’t afford a good mount, you can go to the mountains to find it yourself! ?”
Liang Dajiang laughed for a long time before slowly closing his mouth.
"Birds of a feather flock together. Don’t you know this truth! ?”
Zhou Jian several people looked at Liang Dajiang body fierce Yang Ma one by one face strange color.
Isn’t this fierce horse the same batch they saw the other day! ?
See Zhou Jian stunned Liang Dajiang is triumphant.
"Have a good look! Pure blood fierce Yang Kyle rare to see in the future can see my mood. "
Not far away, several immortal officials with good status.
Also attracted by the movement here


"Hey, I got it!" Zhang Lan’s mind flashed, and he named his favorite skill name "Gaia energy cannon! Yes, it’s called Gaia energy cannon! ! ! That fighting Tyrannosaurus Gaia energy cannon! ! ! -【 Wind Dun Gaia Energy Gun 】 "
Chapter 247 What should I do if I can’t read?
"The S-level self-created skill named Gaia Energy Gun succeeded"
"Ding congratulations to the host for creating the S-level skill [Gaia energy cannon] *1 to complete the hidden achievement and make one move to defeat the enemy; Get the reward S-level skill designation card *1 "
Wind dun Gaia energy cannon
Category ninjutsu
Equal order s
Efficacy Mastering the shape change (wind) of chakra makes the volume of spiral pills expand to be scary enough, and mastering the shape change (wind) of chakra will condense huge. chakra will make several times of attacks, and its power is comparable to that of S-class Ninjutsu-if it can be thrown out.
Consume a lot of chakra, energy,
Remark: Because this Ninjutsu is too powerful, but because it needs to use a huge chakra to maintain its shape at all times, it is impossible to get rid of it. It will be a mutually assured destruction trick until the defensive measures are taken!
Carefully looked at his first S-level self-created skill, and the sense of terror and shock disappeared instantly. Zhang Lan immediately broke away from his deep narcissism and tried to pull himself out of the ground. The sight made him wonder if he had come to the wrong place.
The hemispherical wall is already unrecognizable. A third of the gear has been cut off, more than half of the moon has disappeared, a corner of the sun has been missing, and many sharp scratches are like being cut and struck by some magic weapon.
It is said that the wall has experienced the baptism of the storm, and the original clean floor has been asked round and round by a very unfriendly qiang!
It’s almost impossible to find out the front appearance of the floor. Nothing is smooth, just like being plowed. It’s already a "refurbished" appearance
And it’s been turned over and over again!
The ground can see that the base was plowed by a sharp blade, and then the new attack plowed it again, and then it was again, so repeatedly comforting (qiang) and asking (jian) was what Zhang Lan saw now.
In one word-miserable!
Two words-very miserable!
Three words-very miserable!
Four words-positive M is terrible!
"Gee, I can’t believe that this new skill is also amazing! ! ! That’s the name. It’s a little fucked up! What the hell is this guy playing with? "
Bite one’s teeth and spit out the name of his move. Zhang Lan’s feet are not slow. The hard ice in the array altar has already disappeared. The steps are toward the only small piece of ice in the control room. Press with both hands to collect the hard ice, which has grown to nearly one cubic meter, together with the frost source.
Unified size has been hidden for many times, and the achievement reward has reached 9 cubic meters.
"Didi found that the S-class ice attribute energy source can be exchanged for S-class regular fragments *1 [Yes/No] exchange?"
"The drop shows that the S-class ice energy source or the world water source can continuously generate drinking water, which will be of great help to the host’s current plan. It is not recommended to exchange S-class regular fragments!"
Zhang Lanwen blinked and was amazed. "It seems that you are really emotional intelligence. Everyone knows that I miss you."
"Choose countdown 1, 9, 0," the system actually performed perfectly and hit back at Zhang Lan.
"Lie trough! You are a little naughty now. Are you interested in the same routine twice? "
"No no no no! I choose no! "
Zhang Lan is really afraid that if the countdown is completed, the system will default to [Yes] directly, which will be a big fun. After all, if he has this [World Water Source] in his plan, it will greatly reduce his already anti-pressure ability.
Originally, he came to Asgard, the source of frost. As soon as he finished, he came for S-class rule fragments. Who knew there would be such a surprise?
I have to say that there are surprises everywhere in life!
"But will Laufey be angry if he knows that his town treasure is used as a faucet to call the coffin board?"
Heart secretly joking with Zhang Lan will realize the central array altar in the control room.
Even though the surrounding area is already ruined, the altar is still as new as before, unlike the light-year appearance after so many years of vicissitudes.
With a relaxed and happy mood, Zhang Lan walked slowly to the front of the array altar, took out the eternal gunner from the system, weighed it a few times, and inserted it into the key ring in the array altar, and there was no redundancy!
Zhang Lan seems that stopping the Rainbow Bridge is like hitting a locked drawer with a key. Why not just plug it in?
And then the truth is that simple?
Can you go to F1 racing by giving a car key?
After inserting the eternal gun into the groove of the array altar, he looked at what he was looking at, and he was not prepared to stop at Rainbow Bridge. He was at a loss!
"Do you still need any exercise manuals for this thing?"
"It must be, but why did Heimdahl leave Huang Jinjian in the altar and the four warriors in the fairy palace to open the Rainbow Bridge and reach the earth passage?"
"Is it energy?"
My mind turned sharply, and finally Zhang Lan determined that it should need energy to activate some functions.
With the idea of giving it a try, Zhang Lan put chakra into the eternal gun a little, and something unexpected happened to him-
Eternal gun swallowed him into chakra again!
"This nima! You can’t lose energy and play with your balls? "
Bite a tooth Zhang Lan severely chopped a foot, and a casual trace of chakra was injected into the foot control room along the sole of his foot. The violent rotation attack turned out to be slightly deflected to the right.
He really found a way to control the rainbow bridge by mistake!
Zhang Lan, this is to notice that his foot array altar is divided into squares, and each square has a strange symbol, just like the words on the brain keyboard, which is the functional symbol of this key.
Just like a machine button, the corresponding key corresponds to the same function!
"Pit dad? I don’t know the Asgard script! "
So now the question is coming-
Before, when you were on a flight and the pilot and the co-pilot didn’t become warped, the plane was counting on you to land this flight. You need to think carefully about how to save everyone’s lives and live up to their expectations.
Asking how to die is not so painful.

Just like now, Lanchen looks like a gentle guardian and Lano plays a rebellious brother.

It’s easy to deceive oneself and others, and the Sapphire Manor … it’s true that Lannuo won’t break his memory, even for Lanchen.
Everything is just testing each other and tacit understanding until the end of the day …
But the fire has burned.
I refused to put out the ashes.
Whether it’s Lannuo or remembering the arrival date of Lanchen, it’s like repeating the vague expectation and then waking yourself up over and over again-absolutely not before Lanchen, absolutely not.
Maybe Lanchen’s words really started, or maybe the Wang Ting Military Academy teacher finally got a clear understanding of his students. For several days, Lano didn’t see Mozifeng and Wang Ting Military Academy people, just like everything that happened that day was like his illusion.
But that’s certainly not what Lanno can think of when he wakes up in a dream.
And …
Scarlet long hair hangs down meekly, and the white fingertips are just like the smile of the owner of long hair.
It’s a little confusing
But in the face of a mature and enchanting big brother Richard’s face, it is impossible to feel such a thing as sexual attraction.
What’s more, Liszt and Richard are really brothers …
The red dragon sang with emotion, "You look like a wild rose with thorns, destroyed by dew, a butterfly tower, a lonely princess, a rose in a bard’s song …"
Richard was furious. "Don’t seduce my roommate!"
Lano "… this kind of rubbish lines is not as good as the dragon of the abyss of doom."
Good. He finally understood how Richard grew into a dark middle school disease. Obviously, his brother is a hopeless king. He is really a family.
Richard is still angry. "Is the First Military Academy very idle?"
Liszt held Ba Dao, "Of course not, but there are more important things than training."
The smiling red dragon seems to be the root that can’t perceive how many lines of sight he has attracted.
In their library, Richard was accompanied by Lano cut class Liszt, but not Richard.
"You really don’t consider one?" Liszt asked seriously, "If you like, you can enter the first military academy at any time on the day you open the gate. You and Mo Zefeng took a video of the battle monitoring, which is a physical skill. You are also worthy of special recruitment to enter the first military academy."
"He won’t consider it." Richard just turned over a supercilious look for Lano’s rejection.
Liszt finished watching Richard’s words and waited for Lano’s reply.
"I’m sorry," Lannuo said. "I really can’t help it." If he doesn’t go to Wang Ting Military Academy, he can’t go to the first military academy, and even more Kuangchen can’t let people go.
"Well," Liszt didn’t pester and beat casually, but he glanced at Richard, who was guarding some treasure, and still smiled.
"Feelings are so good … but I think you perceive separation and death."
Richard exploded, "Don’t be alarmist. Your ability to predict can at most feel Lano’s recent travel plans!"
Prophecy, like perception, is a kind of red dragon ability, but this ability is notoriously unreliable.
"Who knows? The prediction is not accurate." Liszt was not questioned at all. He felt like a brother who just came to chat with them. "Where are you going to travel?"
"I want to go to the Moon Sea," Lano naturally said with a little regret, "but I can’t seem to go."
In front of him is a projected star map. Lano has been watching it for several days and soon found the position of the moon and the sea.
Liszt said that the "cub protection act" is understandable. "But it’s a coincidence that the protection act is a special case. The Moon Sea is just in the middle … It will be the final occasion of the star league. All teams that can enter the finals this time will go to the Moon Sea and will be escorted by the military at that time …"
He watched Richard and Lano’s eyes light up.
"If I join the first military academy …"
"Then you can’t directly enter the league team and wait for five years." Liszt turned them down coldly.
Richard "… wants you"
Then he was severely knocked by Liszt, covering his head and saying that Liszt would be punished by the dark parliament sooner or later.
Lano "…" Is the Dark Council a brick?
Yes, he knows that he almost couldn’t control his heartbeat at that moment.
Liszt opened a new door, not because he pointed out the fact that the Moon Sea was going to hold the league final, but because he woke up that the laws like the Lano League were also a good brick, and even the death of the contestants in the Star League was reasonable-these fantasy species cherished their cubs but were particularly cruel. After all, the real battlefield would not show mercy to people.
This may just happen that Lano figured out that he already had a small plan, but if he could have a more suitable plan, then he would certainly abandon the previous one. After all, that idea is a bit … dangerous and unspeakable. It is better to choose an alternative if it is not a last resort.
Lano was slightly lost in thought, and suddenly Liszt got up. Rowen poured out without hesitation, and a secret shot in front of him split in two.
"Got you."
As soon as the red dragon grasped the wrist of the man who took the photo, it almost dragged him out. No one in Liszt threatened to stop him from lighting up the terminal in his hand.
Richard suddenly took Lanuo’s wrist "Don’t look"
But you can see the forum’s red-hot tall buildings clearly when you blink.
【 At the same time, seduce a pair of pure blood brothers and suspect that Wang Ting genius has an old history of a hybrid blood dragon by hook or by crook 】
None of the names came out, but none of the code names meant anything.
Richard looked at him nervously, and Lano was not so angry. There was a feeling that he had come after all.
"… that’s it?"
Richard thought about it. Although it looks awesome, it seems nothing compared to what Lanno really did. It is really shocking to set fire to Wang Ting!
Lano can probably guess who did it, and he dared to arrange that Liszt was a member of the royal family, even though he didn’t dare to name it, which made people feel familiar.
Liszt has almost scared people half to death, holding his arms and waiting for "good mentality"
He suddenly paused when his eyes fell on Leno.
"Don’t you feel anything wrong when I say?"

I stupidly "huh?"

Instantly flash
This servant girl suddenly bumped into me-I looked back at Liu Chengjiu and saw him stare big eyes and fly out a piece of paper instantly.
A flash of golden light directly hit the maid’s chest and immediately knocked her over. She stared at her face again and shouted "Go to hell!"
I looked down at the girl and felt a chill in my chest.
Keep your eyes open …
A swinging dagger stuck in my chest has hardly gone in.
I saw a few bright red blood stains coming out along the white blade of the dagger and falling to the ground bit by bit.
Chest pain is more severe than pain …
I was surprised and said, "I’m hurt!"
The servant girl sneered, "Go with the Empress."
Lu Chengjiu gritted his teeth and scolded, "You’re such a lonely soul that you don’t know how to repent when you die!"
Talking, he directly flew out of the locked chest with a sword and suddenly made her stunned.
Lu Chengjiu quickly asked me, "Are you okay?"
Shura two silly said, "How can it be that nothing has pierced me? You can see the stabbing blade behind him."
I was even more surprised. "Is it pierced?"
"Nonsense, you are not an iron plate."
Shura nodded and said to me, "Why don’t I break your head off and see for yourself?"
I felt a whirlwind in an instant.
However, my eyes are becoming more and more blurred, and my legs are soft and I almost fall to the ground.
Lu Chengjiu said urgently, "What can I do if it’s not good?"
Li Sanguang said, "Ouch, there’s nothing to stop the bleeding. It’s not easy …"
I looked up and took Liu Chengjiu’s hand in pain and revealed my heart, "I think I can save another one."
Liu Chengjiu frowned.
For a moment, my eyes suddenly went black, and I lost consciousness instantly …
But soon I regained consciousness and felt like I was flying.
bow/lower/hang one’s head
At the moment, I can still see my handsome and heroic lying on my chest with a patterned dagger Liu Chengjiu, Shura Ersha and Li Sanguang all around.
I suddenly felt a chill when I looked at my slightly penetrating body.
This is … Out-of-body experience, right?
I was stunned in an instant, and I experienced so much. I didn’t expect to twist my head and say a word when I was suddenly stabbed to death by a murdered servant girl!
You can still hear them talking at this time.
Lu Chengjiu exclaimed, "Shit, why are you out of breath?"
Shura two silly also leng way "really dead?"
His horse looked around and didn’t know what to look for. He looked startled. "No, he has three souls and seven spirits when he is dead. Why didn’t he see his soul?"
Lu Chengjiu said, "But he is really out of breath. You look pale."
Shura Er asked stupidly, "Can he still live?"
Liu Chengjiu said, "Since the soul didn’t come out, it is still saved. Even if the soul is dead, it can be saved. When he didn’t finish becoming a ghost, he returned to the soul to stabilize his life temporarily, but his soul was gone …"
I said, "I am here!"
They all seem not to hear me.
My horse jumped up and down again, shouting at them.
They are all psychics, shura, idiots and ghosts, but they can’t see me at all.
Li Sanguang squatted down and looked at it. Suddenly, he pulled out the dagger that inserted my body.
He glanced at it and suddenly exclaimed, "This is a soul-chasing dagger!"
"This dagger is not an ordinary dagger, it is a soul-chasing thing. It can kill the flesh and directly make people stunned without even doing a ghost!"
Liu Chengjiu way "that is to say …"
Li Sanguang is very careful to start.
He directly put this dagger back and wiped my hands. "I didn’t save this knife and two lives. His soul has turned into a virtual world. Even if Yan came, he couldn’t save it."
I was very angry when I saw it. I became a ghost. Isn’t this still good for you?
And even if I can’t save Li Sanguang, it’s a waste of my body just now, isn’t it?
Li Sanguang said, "It’s strange that the old man didn’t calculate that there would be such a bleeding disaster."
Liu Chengjiu’s face is sad. "Alas, the world is not as good as the day after all. Let’s carry him back."
I pay close attention to shura two silly directly to my body to carry a few people is very tragic to walk back.
I looked at it with a frown and hurriedly followed.
Follow them all the way back to fox Xiaomei’s house
Shura said stupidly, "He’s dead, so don’t scare them by carrying him in!"
Lu Chengjiu sighed.
Shura two silly way "then throw him at the door first"
When he finished, he threw my body directly into the grass next to me, and my head slammed into the stone, which made me feel very distressed.
He looked back and hesitated Liu Chengjiu.
Liu Chengjiu said, "This is not so good …"
He said, "I’m dead, and I haven’t left a trace of my soul. That’s it."
They all went in and left my body to blow.
I looked at it with a frown and cursed in my heart. I quickly followed him in.

And his prestige and ability are bound to achieve this goal.

I’m afraid the people waiting for them will be dead by then.
Liang Yuankai is also well aware of this and has come up with the final solution.
While Su Yonglin came to Shandong to assassinate him and get rid of him.
It is inevitable that Su Yonglin will die and the current situation will be in chaos.
At that time, they immediately climbed to the top and took the lead in accusing Su Yonglin of being killed by a nine-member team in Zhongdu. This violently incited the masses’ emotions, which made the militia unite and respond to the agitation, and the Shandong people were bound to follow them in attacking Zhongdu.
And the whole Shandong bureaucracy will be kidnapped by them into their hands, their ambitions and goals, and this "throwing blood and blood" will die without knowing what it is.
Perfect and powerful Shandong grass-roots mobilization will become their greatest reliance.
What will happen then is not for those people in Zhongdu Imperial Court to decide things.
This is so interesting!
Liang Yuankai’s plan is not bold. He actually wants to assassinate Su Yonglin, but he can be mad to shape him.
Everyone else thinks this plan is too dangerous and terrible, but Liang Yuankai thinks that there is such a bold plan to kill Su Yonglin and they strive for a future.
Because Su Yonglin is arrogant, he would never have thought that someone would plan to assassinate him.
Moreover, it seems difficult to assassinate Su Yonglin, but it is not impossible to actually have Du Fei’s plan to assassinate Su Yonglin.
Chapter 154 Liang Yuankai has been without many.
Liang Yuankai seems that Su Yonglin’s death is the only way to make Su Yonglin declare his death in political reform, and to make them the Jiangnan old people’s school never die in reform again.
Su Yonglin died, so they, the old people in the south of the Yangtze River, could fish in troubled waters and make compromises when they were forced to take chestnuts from the fire.
At that time, there will be no one who can be awesome in the hustle and bustle of the day. They have a choice
Make Su Yonglin the emperor.
In the name of Su Yonglin’s bloodline, the debate about the hustle and bustle of the sky was calmed down, and thus the imperial rule was initiated to abolish all the ministries that Su Yonglin longed for
However, Su Yonglin’s son is not Su Yonglin after all, but also a mascot after all. At that time, the surface unity will be maintained, and the essence will be whoever has the biggest fist and who speaks the sound.
They can’t control other places, but Shandong Province is their territory.
"If we don’t do this, we’ll lose the credit for our hard work, and we’ll certainly be blamed for our luck in the future. Can you accept the kind of thing that we can never return to our hometown in Sakhalin Island?"
To tell the truth, for some timid people, they are really acceptable.
Because they dare not imagine what kind of experience it is to assassinate Su Yonglin’s hand.
Su Yonglin always said that he was not a god, but the people in their hearts were equally conscious, so they saw Su Yonglin as a god and didn’t think it was bad.
Liang Yuankai is actually "killing God"
This is not too bold.
But at that time, Liang Yuankai could not consider many arrows and had to send them.
He has seized Duffy’s handle and knows that Duffy’s state is not stable. Maybe he will turn himself in. If he can’t completely threaten Duffy himself, the head of intelligence system will die sooner or later.
It’s better to pull a group of people into a stand-off when you die alone, and maybe you can make a living.
The whole conspiracy mutiny group is really cruel. Liang Yuankai is alone, and others are ambiguous. The main reason is that the assassination of Su Yonglin has brought them too much psychological impact, which can’t be accepted for a while.
Liang Yuankai realized this and took out his killer Du Fei’s handle to force Du Fei to design Su Yonglin to be assassinated.
He believes Du Fei has this ability to do it.
When Du Fei heard that Liang Yuankai tried to assassinate Su Yonglin, he was all white-headed
Conscience of heaven and earth, even though he thought of his own death, he dared not think about Su Yonglin’s death, let alone assassinate Su Yonglin himself.
What joke?
He gave Liang Yuankai a good scolding for being a poor peasant. If Su Yonglin hadn’t given him a bowl of rice, he would have starved to death. Liang Yuankai called him black and lost his soul.
"In those days, if it weren’t for A Lang to take you to the salt factory and give you a bowl of rice, you would have died by the side of the road! Be grateful and grateful! Help! Yeah! You forgot? !”
"Of course I didn’t forget! But after so many years, I have done so many things and so much kindness has long been paid off! "
Liang Yuankai sneered, "Now he won’t give me a way. How can I keep silent? !”
Du Fei thundered, "Without A Lang to teach you to read, without A Lang to teach you the truth, without A Lang to take us all the way forward, can you have today?" Ungrateful thing! You really do these things by yourself, can you still get A Lang’s great kindness? !”
Liang Yuankai knows very well in his heart, but he can’t admit that what he has done is purely his fault and Su Yonglin has nothing at all.
How can this work?
So he became angry from embarrassment.
"If you don’t help me, I will die, but I must pull you to die together before I die. It’s up to you. I can still help you if you don’t help me. See if Tian Jue and Kong Maojie will let you go! Think for yourself! "

Lin Feng walked out of the background after he got the bronze sword wrapped in wooden packaging. At this time, Mr. Liu also signed the contract and saw him smiling. He came over with some apologies and said, "I’m sorry. I got a call from Dong Mo temporarily and asked me to shoot this land. I said that you were going to the auction, so I didn’t inform you, so I just took it directly. Look, let’s find a place to transfer a contract."

Windson nodded his head, it seems that it really is. Mo Xiaonian will give herself the whole mess, but I have to say that Mo Xiaonian has been staying at home for a long time, but at home, Mo Xiaonian can also be said to have helped herself a lot. For example, this time, if Mo Xiaonian doesn’t help him shoot this piece of land, it will take some time to find a suitable green ecological land, so there will be some delays for his own project, and the longer a project is delayed, it will cause losses to the company’s profits.
After signing the contract with Mr. Liu and transferring the ownership of the first piece of green ecological building, Lin Feng found the second piece of green ecological land. According to his agreement with Mr. Wu, the transaction price of one billion has its own four billion.
Boss Wu saw Lin Feng coming over and smiling. It is estimated that everyone will be like this. After all, a good billion will be given to others. If it is Lin Feng and it is irreversible, Lin Feng will not be happy.
But that boss Wu is also a wise man. He knows that if he breaks the contract, Lin Feng is capable of ruining his Qin family. Now hand over the four billion yuan, and maybe if there is something good, you can still catch it yourself.
Thinking of this, the boss Wu readily said, "Boss Lin, hey hey, I just finished the transaction with their workers. There are 6 billion yuan in this card and the 2 billion yuan in it. If there is such a thing in the future, I hope that Boss Lin can take me more!"
Lin Feng looked at Boss Wang in surprise. He didn’t know what prompted Boss Wang to make such a move. It’s better to divide his 4 billion into half, that is, 4 billion. This guy is quite conscious of splitting his 4 billion into half to honor himself. You know, this 2 billion is not a small sum for anyone, especially a miser like Boss Wang. He is willing to take out 2 billion.
But for such a gift windson nature is not embarrassed, of course.
Next to Li Mi and bamboo pole, they all love to be very surprised that Lin Feng can make this activity so much higher. For a businessman, it has already made a profit of one billion, which is simply a myth.
Mo Xiaonian gave Lin Feng a hug as soon as he came in the door when he returned to the Happy Garden late. "Someone earned a little more today. Is there a dividend?"
"I don’t know how long it will take to repay so many shares!" Windson held Mo Xiaonian to the rocking chair outside. "How are your stock market returns today? I heard that several sensible people in the company have been frowning recently. After asking the reason clearly, I realized that they lost their stories and said that there were more stock market turmoil recently! "
"That’s their stupidity!" Mo Xiaonian rolled his eyes. "Although the stock market money is easy to earn, it will always sink in. Many people can’t avoid it. It is often the stock market that loses everything, but have you ever seen a long face?"
"You forgot when the stock market was in turmoil and you suffered losses!" Lin Feng pinched Mo Xiaonian’s small nose. He remembered that he had just moved here for a long time when Mo Xiaonian was troubled by a story for several days. At that time, Lin Feng didn’t know why Mo Xiaonian was troubled with himself. After several days, he came to Mo Tianxing to tell himself that if the stock market was in turmoil, don’t provoke Mo Xiaonian, otherwise the consequences would be serious.
But just talking about this windson, I saw Mo Xiaonian’s face agitated. This is a sign that Mo Xiaonian is going to be angry. He has already touched Mo Xiaonian’s temper. At this time, Lin Feng quickly said, "Hey, hey, honey, don’t get excited. I’ll make you whatever you want to eat tonight!"
"I want to eat you!" Mo Xiaonian said maliciously
Lin Feng smiled and directly picked Mo Xiaonian up and walked to the bedroom. "Hey hey, if you want to eat me, you should have said so. I will let you eat me now!"
"Bastard bastard, you are quick to let me come, you bad guy!" Mo Xiaonian exclaimed, "You are a bad guy. My relatives are here today. Don’t do this."
"It’s okay to have a red light occasionally!" Lin Feng smiled and threw Mo Xiaonian directly into the soft big * * "Hey, hey, you are the stomach dish before dinner"
The next day, Lin Feng * * came to the company’s green ecological project team. The project manager has been waiting for Lin Feng in the meeting room. Lin Feng gave them the first piece of green ecological map paper and information that he traded from Liu Boss yesterday, and asked them to start construction as quickly as possible from the new design of this building site.
At the same time, the company also knew that the auction held by Lin Fengtian Apocalypse last night hit Longsheng Real Estate Company, which let the other party buy the second piece of green ecological land at a billion dollars and bought a pile of green ecological land at a low price. Lin Fengwei once again rose to a higher level.
Chapter 266 rashly baldheaded
When the host looked at the middle-aged bald man with great expectation and hoped that he would top the price directly to 550 million yuan, the middle-aged bald man suddenly raised his hand and said a word that made the host stunned the new address nb.
"I give up filming!"
The voice just fell into an uproar, and no one understood the purpose of his abandonment. If it is simply to set the price, it is obviously unnecessary to say that he abandoned the filming, which will definitely bring revenge on himself.
Windson slightly one leng is met with the same nature as before the top price?
"Abandon filming?" Although the host was disappointed, he still said with professionalism that "giving up filming means that every photographer will make a profit of 510 million once and 510 million twice."
The host deliberately paused, but there was still no one to bid. He could make a final decision. "The final transaction party of the 510 million transaction is the chairman of our real estate company, Lin Donglin. We congratulate him!"
There was a warm applause at the scene. Although this shot was not the highest price in the whole shoot, the finale shot was taken by Lin Feng, and this person should be respected for the simple reason. This is the rules of the shoot, and the finale shooter deserves such a palm.
"Lin Dong congratulates you, but I haven’t seen you interested in bronzes before?" The bamboo pole didn’t say anything about Li’s secret, but there was some curiosity. During these days, she stayed with Lin Feng almost every day. He also knew that the antiques handed over by Lin Feng were small objects that had never been exposed to bronzes.
Lin Feng smiled. "I’m curious. I’ve never been in contact with bronzes. Buy it back and look at this sword. If it’s true, then it’s worth the price. I also picked up a big leak. Let’s go and sign the contract after the filming, and then we still have 4 billion yuan to confiscate. Haha!"
Because it’s all backstage, after the exchange auction, Lin Feng came to the backstage to take charge of the auction. This auction is an apocalypse auction company. When Lin Feng signed the contract, he revealed to him that he wanted to meet the boss of the apocalypse auction company to talk about things.
Lin Fenglai’s management will promise himself. After all, if such a small company can have a big company, it will be of great help to their project, but Lin Fenglai didn’t expect the management to politely refuse himself.
Windson didn’t insist, but listen to Mo Tianxing, the boss of this apocalypse racket line has a fight with himself, and there will be some discomfort in his heart.
After all, I cheated myself, and naturally I can be much better than others. But if someone can be similar to myself, what does it matter if I take it from myself?
This reminds Lin Feng of the treasure contest, where the water is cold, which is his only admire, but it is a pity that the water is cold and not an ordinary person. If you can find the water, Lin Feng believes that you can say that the water is cold and tell yourself something about yourself.
"Lin Dong, our boss’s personality is rather eccentric. Since the filming, he has rarely been seen in public. Almost all business negotiations are done by me. Please forgive Lin Dong!" The management contract of the Apocalypse Auction Line printed the seal of the Apocalypse Auction Line and handed the bronze sword to Lin Feng. "And this bronze sword, our boss said, no matter how much the price, can be obtained by someone who is predestined friends. It seems that Lin Dong is predestined friends. Congratulations to Lin Dong first."
This sentence Lin Feng naturally doesn’t feel at ease. It’s a skill of businessmen, especially in the antique business. You said that an antique can only be won a little, but what can you pay such a high price?
Not just because of hobbies? Faith? Because of history?
Because of the nonsense of predestined friends, Lin Feng seems to be just a marketing tool. If he doesn’t talk to himself like this, will he feel better if he spends so much money to buy a sword and go back to his heart?
However, the antique industry can’t complain about how high the price is. After all, this kind of thing has always been a matter of one willing to fight and one willing to suffer.
Lin Feng walked out of the background after he got the bronze sword wrapped in wooden packaging. At this time, Mr. Liu also signed the contract and saw him smiling. He came over with some apologies and said, "I’m sorry. I got a call from Dong Mo temporarily and asked me to shoot this land. I said that you were going to the auction, so I didn’t inform you, so I just took it directly. Look, let’s find a place to transfer a contract."
Windson nodded his head, it seems that it really is. Mo Xiaonian will give herself the whole mess, but I have to say that Mo Xiaonian has been staying at home for a long time, but at home, Mo Xiaonian can also be said to have helped herself a lot. For example, this time, if Mo Xiaonian doesn’t help him shoot this piece of land, it will take some time to find a suitable green ecological land, so there will be some delays for his own project, and the longer a project is delayed, it will cause losses to the company’s profits.
After signing the contract with Mr. Liu and transferring the ownership of the first piece of green ecological building, Lin Feng found the second piece of green ecological land. According to his agreement with Mr. Wu, the transaction price of one billion has its own four billion.
Boss Wu saw Lin Feng coming over and smiling. It is estimated that everyone will be like this. After all, a good billion will be given to others. If it is Lin Feng and it is irreversible, Lin Feng will not be happy.
But that boss Wu is also a wise man. He knows that if he breaks the contract, Lin Feng is capable of ruining his Qin family. Now hand over the four billion yuan, and maybe if there is something good, you can still catch it yourself.
Thinking of this, the boss Wu readily said, "Boss Lin, hey hey, I just finished the transaction with their workers. There are 6 billion yuan in this card and the 2 billion yuan in it. If there is such a thing in the future, I hope that Boss Lin can take me more!"
Lin Feng looked at Boss Wang in surprise. He didn’t know what prompted Boss Wang to make such a move. It’s better to divide his 4 billion into half, that is, 4 billion. This guy is quite conscious of splitting his 4 billion into half to honor himself. You know, this 2 billion is not a small sum for anyone, especially a miser like Boss Wang. He is willing to take out 2 billion.
But for such a gift windson nature is not embarrassed, of course.
Next to Li Mi and bamboo pole, they all love to be very surprised that Lin Feng can make this activity so much higher. For a businessman, it has already made a profit of one billion, which is simply a myth.
Mo Xiaonian gave Lin Feng a hug as soon as he came in the door when he returned to the Happy Garden late. "Someone earned a little more today. Is there a dividend?"
"I don’t know how long it will take to repay so many shares!" Windson held Mo Xiaonian to the rocking chair outside. "How are your stock market returns today? I heard that several sensible people in the company have been frowning recently. After asking the reason clearly, I realized that they lost their stories and said that there were more stock market turmoil recently! "
"That’s their stupidity!" Mo Xiaonian rolled his eyes. "Although the stock market money is easy to earn, it will always sink in. Many people can’t avoid it. It is often the stock market that loses everything, but have you ever seen a long face?"
"You forgot when the stock market was in turmoil and you suffered losses!" Lin Feng pinched Mo Xiaonian’s small nose. He remembered that he had just moved here for a long time when Mo Xiaonian was troubled by a story for several days. At that time, Lin Feng didn’t know why Mo Xiaonian was troubled with himself. After several days, he came to Mo Tianxing to tell himself that if the stock market was in turmoil, don’t provoke Mo Xiaonian, otherwise the consequences would be serious.
But just talking about this windson, I saw Mo Xiaonian’s face agitated. This is a sign that Mo Xiaonian is going to be angry. He has already touched Mo Xiaonian’s temper. At this time, Lin Feng quickly said, "Hey, hey, honey, don’t get excited. I’ll make you whatever you want to eat tonight!"
"I want to eat you!" Mo Xiaonian said maliciously
Lin Feng smiled and directly picked Mo Xiaonian up and walked to the bedroom. "Hey hey, if you want to eat me, you should have said so. I will let you eat me now!"
"Bastard bastard, you are quick to let me come, you bad guy!" Mo Xiaonian exclaimed, "You are a bad guy. My relatives are here today. Don’t do this."
"It’s okay to have a red light occasionally!" Lin Feng smiled and threw Mo Xiaonian directly into the soft big * * "Hey, hey, you are the stomach dish before dinner"
The next day, Lin Feng * * came to the company’s green ecological project team. The project manager has been waiting for Lin Feng in the meeting room. Lin Feng gave them the first piece of green ecological map paper and information that he traded from Liu Boss yesterday, and asked them to start construction as quickly as possible from the new design of this building site.
At the same time, the company also knew that the auction held by Lin Fengtian Apocalypse last night hit Longsheng Real Estate Company, which let the other party buy the second piece of green ecological land at a billion dollars and bought a pile of green ecological land at a low price. Lin Fengwei once again rose to a higher level.
Chapter 267 Ordinary Notes
When the host looked at the middle-aged bald man with great expectation and hoped that he would top the price directly to 550 million yuan, the middle-aged bald man suddenly raised his hand and said a word that shocked the host nb.
"I give up filming!"
The voice just fell into an uproar, and no one understood the purpose of his abandonment. If it is simply to set the price, it is obviously unnecessary to say that he abandoned the filming, which will definitely bring revenge on himself.
Windson slightly one leng is met with the same nature as before the top price?
"Abandon filming?" Although the host was disappointed, he still said with professionalism that "giving up filming means that every photographer will make a profit of 510 million once and 510 million twice."
The host deliberately paused, but there was still no one to bid. He could make a final decision. "The final transaction party of the 510 million transaction is the chairman of our real estate company, Lin Donglin. We congratulate him!"
There was a warm applause at the scene. Although this shot was not the highest price in the whole shoot, the finale shot was taken by Lin Feng, and this person should be respected for the simple reason. This is the rules of the shoot, and the finale shooter deserves such a palm.
"Lin Dong congratulates you, but I haven’t seen you interested in bronzes before?" The bamboo pole didn’t say anything about Li’s secret, but there was some curiosity. During these days, she stayed with Lin Feng almost every day. He also knew that the antiques handed over by Lin Feng were small objects that had never been exposed to bronzes.
Lin Feng smiled. "I’m curious. I’ve never been in contact with bronzes. Buy it back and look at this sword. If it’s true, then it’s worth the price. I also picked up a big leak. Let’s go and sign the contract after the filming, and then we still have 4 billion yuan to confiscate. Haha!"
Because it’s all backstage, after the exchange auction, Lin Feng came to the backstage to take charge of the auction. This auction is an apocalypse auction company. When Lin Feng signed the contract, he revealed to him that he wanted to meet the boss of the apocalypse auction company to talk about things.
Lin Fenglai’s management will promise himself. After all, if such a small company can have a big company, it will be of great help to their project, but Lin Fenglai didn’t expect the management to politely refuse himself.
Windson didn’t insist, but listen to Mo Tianxing, the boss of this apocalypse racket line has a fight with himself, and there will be some discomfort in his heart.

So I watched the duck fly away when it was almost in my mouth …

Zhang stare at a pair of angry eyes and wait for that arrival of the defeated general to vent his anger.
Side lieutenant Huang Yongzhong suddenly said, "My Lord, calm down … after all, these sword shield hands have been trained for less than a month … it’s hard to be obedient. They are not even as good as our previous encounter with the yamen …"
"It is very rare for such a group of people to insist on military discipline for such a long time … it is not entirely to blame them for their rout …"
"According to the estimate, it was just less than half an hour before the attack, and the sword shield hand has lost more than two thousand people … their training level and strength are very rare …"
Seeing that Zhang Zhongmian’s anger finally showed signs of dissipating, Huang Yongzhong breathed a sigh of relief and continued …
"At the end of the battle in front of us … adults don’t worry too much … just to shoot me, the Ganning new army has caused very heavy casualties to the other side. The butch gunner can’t get a supplement. If we want to launch a new round of attack, the butch army will be eaten by us …"
"Just ….." See Huang Yongzhong also ready to continue to say to my heart anger has disappeared a lot of Zhang directly motioning with his hand and said …
"Let these people go this time … if there is another officer, they will never be spared …"
With that, Zhang Zhong raised his clairvoyance again and turned his attention back to the battlefield.
There is a saying that is well said. I don’t know if I look at it …
For the rapid defeat from the battlefield, Zhang Zhang, the sword shield hand, did not look at what he was looking at, but directly hit the musket body …
Knife-and-shield soldiers followed suit and quickly retreated backward … Not only that, they lost their shield cars in the battlefield to save their lives.
The commander of the opponent Tiger Leopard Army is obviously a very difficult opponent …
Seeing that the musketeers’ shield cars were thrown into the battlefield by the soldiers, the horses seized the opportunity, and the guns destroyed these shield cars. As the bombs exploded, the heavy shield cars were directly blown apart …
Not only that, but also the continuous extension of shooting fire is like a sickle of death, and the harvest of life in the rout further exacerbates their panic.
There are so many times when Zhang Zhong recognizes that the Tiger and Leopard Army is fighting back.
The earthen castle was suddenly beaten with its gates closed.
Then the hundred cavalry like a gust of wind to recover in the direction of probably soldiers are fleeing.
This cavalry force is very small. If it takes two rounds to shoot 5,000 musketeers in peacetime, they can be eaten completely.
But now it’s different. Let’s talk about whether the musketeers have the courage to fight back. Even if they have the courage, there is no way to organize the musketeers in a short time.
Coupled with a chaotic battlefield, hundreds of cavalry rushed together, resulting in the collapse of the potential Gansu-Ningxia new army, which sounds no less than a horde.
Facing the sudden excavation of the fort behind them, the butch cavalry shook hands with these cavalry, and these defeated soldiers had an idea in their hearts, that is, the horses fled as far away from the battlefield as possible …
The idea is good, the reality is cruel.
In order to avoid exposing the idea that you want to disperse and break through, let Ganning New Army prepare early.
More than one hundred cavalry directly assumed a forward charging and killing and desperately posture …
Follow the routed troops closely and chase them faster and faster.
Soon after, the new army of Gan Ning appeared in front of the cavalry, and the sword fell with a knife light, and a living life flashed in front of him, and he was harvested by the sabre in his hand …
Soon, the new army of Baganin will die at the hands of these cavalry.
After this round of charging and killing, the cavalry reconnaissance company has washed out the fort for more than two miles.
If we don’t break through at this moment, we have to wait until when …
Hundreds of cavalry quickly broke away from contact with the new army of Ganning and broke through in all directions …
"Bad these cavalry are not butch troops to fight back … they are going to break through and ask for help from their main force …" Seeing the battlefield suddenly changing the direction of charging and killing, the cavalry investigation company lieutenant Huang Yong’s face changed to Zhang Zhongda’s side and exclaimed.
Zhang Zhonglai’s dignified face has been replaced by gloom at this moment …
Governor Gan Ning knows very well that these cavalry may pose a great threat to themselves after they break through.
Before the invasion, Zhang Zhong had clearly known that the ten divisions and their two regiments were stationed. If these two regiments reinforced here, they could arrive at the battlefield in two days at most.
After all, the Tiger and Leopard Army is very rich … Not only the cavalry, but also the ordinary musketeers can do it one by one …
Chapter seven hundred and twenty-three Time is running out
This is also the specific reason why Zhang Zhong chose the Tiger and Leopard Army to enter the Tubao military camp during the night to surround the Tiger and Leopard Army and launch an attack.
Only in this way can we ensure that our tracks will not be leaked, and at the same time, we will have enough time to attack the earthen fort in front of us.
For yourself, when you have a military advantage, it means less casualties.
Sometimes I can control the casualties of the soldiers to a minimum.
If there is no time, then there is no way to make more preparations. In this case, I can rely on the way of fighting for my life to take the earthen fort in front of me and destroy all the tigers and leopards in the earthen fort.
Thought of here surly Zhang Zhong is like a suddenly angry lion directly ordered "what are you still doing! Cavalry horse attack chase and destroy these butch army cavalry can destroy as many horses as they can … "
Look at the face in a hurry and go to a department, and there is no sign of dissipation …
Huang Yongzhong turned to the side and said, "The main force of the Tiger and Leopard Army can get to the battlefield in two days at the latest once it receives the news … and then remove the need for us to retreat and clean up the battlefield, and it is less than 12 hours when we can really attack …"
"It’s dawn now, and we’ve lost all our shield cars … and rushed to attack. How many people are targeting butch gunners …"
"But when we are limited … yellow lieutenant you said officer what to do …"
Huang Yongzhong quickly replied, "It is definitely impossible to rebuild the shield car when you are an adult …"
"At the end of the idea is that we can shield to think of some way to …"
"Two knives and shields cover a musketeer, but there must still be …"
"But it also has a disadvantage … whether it is a knife shield hand or a musketeer, it must bear great casualties in battle …"
"In addition, thousands of knife shield hands are separated from the battlefield to cover the musketeers, and the remaining knife shield hands must be determined to die and continue to attack the earthen fort … to attract the butch army to fight back and attract the butch army to defend the earthen fort and let the musketeers kill them in large numbers …"
Zhang knows that even if there is no night cover, less than 1,000 people are expected, and the cavalry who have become monks halfway can’t eliminate the cavalry department of the scattered and broken-out Baihuabao Army. It’s not dark yet …
The news of his own attack on the First Division of the Tiger and Leopard Army will reach the ears of its two heads of the Tenth Division of the Tiger and Leopard Army at the latest this evening.
The Tiger and Leopard Army received the news that the two regiments would be desperate to come here …
So even if Zhang doesn’t want to admit it, he must face this fact …
When the attack is so urgent, I can’t do it myself. Zhang Zhong can accept the idea of attacking the earthen fort regardless of casualties
So the Ganning new army just lost less than two hours before launching a new round of attack.
Four thousand knives and shields continued to attack the earthen fort as death squads in four different directions.

"The temple Liangmo equipment is ready to start today." The Yin Shishi in the East Palace is tired and speaks loudly. He has been rushing back and forth to raise hay and ordnance for several days before he is busy today.

"Very good, immediately send troops to defend Longmen and don’t let Tang gaozu continue south!" Yang You said.
"I obey orders!" Yin Shi Shi said and Yin Shi Shi looked a little tired. Yang You hesitated for a moment and finally withdrew.
Yang You rubbed his temples. Shangri-La was busy for half a ring during the day, and he was a little tired. He rested on a soft couch, while others were lying with their thoughts but didn’t stop.
These days, Yang You has got a clear idea of the situation of the imperial city garrison. There are no doors on the east and west sides of the whole Miyagi, while the Xuanwu Gate in the north of Daxing Palace is guarded by Dugu Xiu, and the East Palace is guarded by Wei Xiaojie in the north, while the Yongan, Zhaoyang and Changle gates lead to the imperial city in the south.
Miyagi is the most important link, especially Dongmen, who must be trusted for his own safety.
On the east and west sides of the Imperial City, there are four gates, namely Anfu, Yanxi, Jingfeng and Shunyi, or the main gate to the south of Dugu people or Xiao’s brother is Suzaku Gate, and there is a small gate on each side of Suzaku Gate. The east side is An, and the main gate of Suzaku Gate with light door is also confidant.
Although there was no mutiny in Daxing City in history, Yang You was not at ease with Wei Xuan, and it seemed meaningful that he let Yi Wei Xiao Jie guard Demen Yang You.
Wei Xiaojie Yang You has a slight impression that this person is quite tall and has a heavy eye. The official position is that Samurai Lang will have a certain prestige because of Wei Xuan’s army, but Yang You wonders that the historical Wei Xiaojie is said to have been killed by Liu Hongji, but Yang You also knows that the historical Li Shimin attacked the Turks and there is also a marching manager called Wei Xiaojie!
Although the two men may have the same name, they are not the same person, but Yang You obviously won’t block his life. The guards of this palace must be replaced, including Yang You, the general of the East Palace Six Guards, who will never let others master himself. Yang You is thinking about his body and he is extremely sleepy and unconsciously falls asleep.
Small laurel hurriedly get blanket Yang You cover.
The setting sun is fading. Xiao Gui lit a candle and watched the tears drop. Xiao Gui felt a sense of uncertainty in his heart. Although he is young, he is not an idiot and knows that the situation is very difficult now.
Just then someone outside the door, Xiao Gui, hurried forward and said, "The temple has fallen asleep."
"Who is it? Come in!" Small laurel voice just fell Yang You sound rang.
Duguwu Shi hurried in and knelt down to pay his respects. Yang You motioned for him to get up and let Xiaogui back out. Then he said, "Yes?"
"Someone in the temple entered Weifu this afternoon and came out after half an hour, and then left for Lingxian County," said Du Guwu.
"Oh?" Yang You got up and paced a few steps and said, "No matter how much money you get, you must always find a way to buy off the Weifang people, preferably the general manager."
"I obey!" Du Guwu division should see that Yang You is still tired and is about to quit Yang You. "Remember to wake up when those children’s studies are over."
"hey!" Dugu Wu Shi tui
What Yang You wants to visit is that he needs to exercise and worry about state affairs. If he doesn’t have a healthy body, I’m afraid it will be difficult to support him. Secondly, this new security team must firmly control its own hands.
Time is still too tight! Yang You got up and continued to read the paper.
This is a detailed list of the memorials of Yongfeng Warehouse, which reports that there are two granaries, Luokou and Huiluo, in Yongfeng Warehouse, which are not far from Liyang Warehouse.
Yongfeng Canglai was renamed Guangtongcang Daye in the early years. It is located in Guangtongqukou, the south bank of Weishui River in the northeast of Huayin County. It is the most important granary in the capital. Judging from the memorial, there are still more than 5 million mangokus in grain to run for several years.
But when Yang You saw that the last frown was a wrinkly memorial, Huayin county magistrate Li Xiaochang handed the name to Yang You, who was very familiar with it.
Li Xiaochang is Li Yuan’s son’s wife, and Dou Shi and Li Yuan have relatives. Of course, it is not surprising that there are many relatives who intermarry with nobles, but it is this person who gave Yongfeng Cang, which made Li Yuan afraid to cross the Yellow River at that time because of lack of food. After Li Yuan solved the food problem, he dared to cross the Yellow River and attack Daxing City.
Li Xiaochang had to get rid of this person, but for now, it seems that it is not an opportunity. Yang You decided to clean up Wei Xuan first, then clean up Li Xiaochang’s grain in Yongfengcang, and then transport 500,000 mangoku back to Beijing just in case.
While Yang You was thinking, he didn’t know that the Hedong war situation had changed despite his deliberate remedy.
Qu Tutong is nearly sixty years old. Although he has received orders, it seems that the temple will be a little ridiculous. He has experienced hundreds of battles, big and small, and he is very experienced in organizing troops. Now, how dare he defend the rebels in Hedong City?
Therefore, he sent his son Qu Tu Shou to crimson county with 5,000 military forces to check the situation. Qu Tu Shou is thirty-five years old and looks almost like his father. He looks like a heavy eyebrow and eagle eye.
But Qu Tushou didn’t have anything to do with Qu Tutong. He cheated on men and women all day long. At the beginning, Yu Culture and Yang Chang claimed that Beijing Sanshao liked young and beautiful girls best.
This time, my father led the army, but he didn’t want to come. He wanted to stay in Daxing. Recently, he bought a new room, and the concubine was very watery. He hasn’t had enough fun yet.
I can’t help drooling at the thought of that concubine’s sudden birthday. How watery a girl is. She needs to look and have a figure. Her skin can pinch water when she squeezes it.
In particular, the bed attendant is so considerate that people can’t help but fantasize at the thought of that wonderful taste.
"General, I’m afraid our army won’t build fences or send scouts …" When Qu Tushou fantasized, the lieutenant went into the camp and said loudly.
Qutu Shouyuan was awakened by the lieutenant’s sound when he was immersed in the gentle countryside, and his heart suddenly became unhappy.
"Hum, you’re just afraid of this. You’re afraid that Li Yuan’s fellow is far away from Linfen. If it takes three days to get here in the south, are you afraid?" Qu tushou cross the couch and glared at the lieutenant’s words.
"General …" The lieutenant wanted to say something but was abruptly interrupted by Qu Tushou. "Go out first, I have something to do!" Lieutenant Nai took one look at Qutu Shou and quit.
Qu Tushou suddenly gulped down the liquor, and he was very disdainful. He was disdainful because he thought that if there were a lot of civil unrest today, there would be few days left to live, and he would have to work hard.
Besides, Tang gaozu has just attacked Huoyi. How can he kill Jiangjun in a short time? Ah, my father is really a little temple who doesn’t know how to fight. Don’t you know anything about my father?
When he thought of this, Qu Tu Shou got a little agitated. He didn’t want to go to war with the army when he came, and he didn’t want to come to this godforsaken place. He suddenly took a sip of wine and decided to find an excuse to take his troops around the county and find some beautiful women to eliminate his anger.
"You go and cut down some trees and come back to make fences!" The lieutenant went out of the camp and ordered several soldiers to come here. Although it was getting late, how could there be no defensive measures?
"hey!" A team should be leading the team towards the tall and dense forest.
Chapter 11 The soldier is expensive ()

Lin momo nodded his head. He has seen some clues through the deep and remote eyes. Mana and G roebuck actually make similar gate delivery devices, but the distance is farther away. The mechanism of the crescent boat is more complicated. It takes patience to wait to enter the SK937 planet.

G roebuck saw Lin momo’s cold eyes soften, and she tried to open her mouth several times to say something, but she remained silent for various reasons.
About fifteen minutes later, the figures of Mana and Ke roebuck La officially appeared, and his brothers and sisters hurriedly flew to the middle school, and everyone looked at each other in silence.
Perhaps silence can express my heart better. Mana doesn’t turn her face to wipe her eyes lightly. roebuck pulls her throat. They try to restrain their emotions. However, today is about ten years. King Kong first wails and then cries.
Lin momo Amelia Amonmanak roebuck pulled five people together, and they got together again, waiting hard and finally paid off.
"By the way, Momo, I know you are a powerful pharmacist. Help Nord quickly." Mana seemed to think of something and quickly controlled the crescent spacecraft to land.
"Nord eldest brother? Where is he? " Lin momo one leng crescent boat bow spit out a Yu Tai human coffin at this time.
Nord’s situation is very bad. The whole body has changed seriously and the breath is very weak. It depends on the result of a severe blow. If it weren’t for Lin momo, I’m afraid I would be helpless if I changed to a general pharmacist here.
"Hurry back to the Phantom of the Opera before it is too late." Lin Sisuo and Amon raised their coffins and soared forward. They need to inject life energy into Nord immediately. If God knows.
Mana seems to have great confidence in Lin momo. She is not in a hurry to visit the Phantom of the Opera, but looks into the distance in the middle of the cliff.
"Sister Mana, what are you looking at?" Amelia felt very surprised. Soon, she could see that a large mass of gas was rolling in.
"Red-haired lady, you’re here early, aren’t you? The first person around the earth, "Mana said coldly, with a somewhat cold disdain in his eyes.
"Ha, ha, ha, mana, you’re amazing to find so many villagers, but it’s too late to send that message. I was sold by the red storm and I was promoted to level 4, you know? I almost fell into a monster, but I was desperate to mechanize myself, so I was lucky to live. "The sound is desolate."
A 30-meter-long figure appeared in "Ow". It was a mechanical lizard with twelve pairs of wings on its back, and its golden eyes kept turning around and locking everyone in the field.
The mechanical lizard sits with his neck and two people are red-haired. Ladis is the fastest person to cultivate the earth-ring star. He is arrogant and overbearing
When the earth was surrounded by stars, Redislin Siso Nordmana was once in the same warehouse, and the warehouse was stained with blood and it was unbearable to look back.
When he lived in crater, Ladis believed in his fist instead of his companion. He is in a terrible state. One third of his body is mechanical, one third is Morganized mutant, and the last third is human. It can be said that he is a monster among monsters.
Carol snuggled up in the arms of Meredith. The fact that they are old is a monster. It is not a pleasant thing to get along with each other.
I know Carol, the red-haired bastard behind me, but he likes to be strong with women. Carol is often tortured these days. It’s a pity that Edith keeps the human half.
"Now that Radish is here, I honestly have something very important to announce. You must want to pay attention to it. It’s no problem before you listen to the command." Mana is very impolite. Radish looks at that enviable and peerless person, and she doesn’t give up even when facing the first person on Earth.
"Hum, who are you to dare to order me?" Ladis stares with horror eyes. He has been wandering in his star for a long time, resisting several harsh environments, and his reality is advancing by leaps and bounds. However, he is very unhappy that he eats people every once in a while, and he can’t repair them. Even cruel people always eat people, and he will be bored. After all, it takes a long time to find prey, and if it leads to a strong enemy, it will be a big trouble.
Mana didn’t give Laeddis a question, but ignored him and talked to everyone while waiting for news from Momo Lin.
Reddy was angry. He was just about to teach the blind woman a lesson when suddenly an incandescent cannon shot from a distance accurately sealed all his movements.
"I fuck Lin momo, what do you want to do? I’m not afraid of Star Cruises, "Reddis roared. He felt that his coercion had been trampled on.
"I’m sorry, Mr. Ladis, captain told me to take care of everyone. Your trip may cause harm to Ms. Mana, so I have to stop it in this way. By the way, I introduce myself-I’m Harley, a crazy wise man." That is the embodiment of spiritual strength to a certain extent in the ear of the hole stereo.
Reddish’s face is covered with red wrinkles, so you can’t see his face. If there is a smooth face, it will probably be distorted.
"Crazy wise man, I remember." Ladis fell on the cliff and vented his anger. Just when everyone signed the cliff, it was a gas explosion.
"Ka", the rock wall was blown to pieces. This blow was stronger than a gamma-ray bomb. Three points, the first name of Radish Earth Huanxing was really worthy.
What happened outside Lin momo’s leisure heart, he was trying to rescue Nord’s original ability and rhyme, Li Sao blessed life energy, transplanted a silicon-based heart and exchanged blood, and then operated from the inside out.
Nord was badly injured. Lin momo was the pharmacist’s best at conditioning his body. After more than three hours of rescue, Nord’s life was finally saved.
Can Yu wake up? When to wake up depends on Nord’s will to survive. In this respect, Lin momo must try his best.
"Nordberg, I can help you get here. Now more than 20 brothers and sisters of Tuhuanxing have joined us. Six of us are short of you. One of them survived and woke up. Sister Mana is waiting for you." Lin momo communicated with each other in his mind. When he arrived in Mana, the other little finger moved.
When Lin momo returned to the cliff, Mana was talking in the middle of the dome hall. "Brothers and sisters, we must strive for freedom in the future. What a simple vocabulary. However, how much did you pay for the word freedom? The people of Tuhuanxing must unite and can save us from the abyss. In addition to their own efforts, they must rely on him. "
Lin momo was surprised and didn’t know what Mana meant. All eyes were swept to the pharmacist and captain of Phantom of the Opera who had just finished surgery.
The first volume of glory! Ten years about Chapter 437 Combination
In the face of everyone, Mana continued, "We people have been oppressed for a long time and have to turn our personalities around. However, if the anger in our hearts is too long, it will erupt like a volcano. Sometimes it is easy to get lost, and sometimes it will make people rise rapidly. We must not only destroy the red storm, but also find out the root of all this chaos. Even our unattainable forces will destroy it."
Lin momo suddenly found that Mana had changed, and he no longer knew the hidden tenderness. The appearance was a vengeful heart, but who can blame this? As Mana said, hatred is easy to get lost. It is far more meaningful for everyone to set goals and walk unswervingly than to run out of cell energy and die.
G roebuck suddenly got up and she said frankly, "Sister Mana and I have been together for ten years. Fortunately, we have joined several organizations one after another. Sister Mana plans to get out of the quagmire step by step. However, we found that the problem is not so simple. Even if we keep our brains and change our bodies, we will be harmed by toxins. We joined the sisterhood to investigate this matter. We once wiped out a star thief and learned from them that a red storm is a catalyst wholesaler, not the third galaxy, but also the second galaxy. This is obviously a large organization with tight structure."
"Sorority?" Lin momo slightly zheng he is no stranger to the sorority, sister, trying to join the sorority, never wanted to hear the name again from g roebuck.
Amon slightly pondered that he had not yet said a few words to roebuck. After all, he was not the boss behind an assassin’s group ten years ago. He knew what he needed and what he expected.
"Ke roebuck, I once investigated the Red Storm and took two star cruise ships out of bounds after selling us. What do you mean they are wholesalers?" Amon asked in accordance with the speech and winked at G roebuck through the opportunity to speak.
G roebuck’s cold noodles showed a little sign of melting. She sighed and said, "The red storm gave people the illusion of secretly splitting up the whole. They never left the third galaxy and sold us on the black market. It should be an exposition. According to the after-the-fact investigation, at least five star thieves watched us being sold one by one. Although the red storm earned little crystal refining, it proved that it was a sustainable way to make a fortune, just like raising a group of livestock. It is not a problem for these livestock to sell when they grow to a certain extent."
"ah? Damn red storm "chaos in the hall for the red storm hatred reached a new peak.
Big and small King Kong burst out and shouted, "Sister Mana, tell us what to do. We two brothers will do our best to kill the red storm."